The Power of Lifestyle Habits in Combating Chronic Diseases - Study
Jul 03, 2021
We, doctors, scientists and the general public, have always known that lifestyle habits affect health, especially lifestyle-related chronic diseases. But do most people really know how much, how significant that impact really is?
This study, 'Healthy living is the best revenge: findings from the European Prospective Investigation Into Cancer and Nutrition-Potsdam study' >> gives us yet another reminder of the tremendous power of Lifestyle and Dietary Habits on some of the very common and devastating chronic diseases that can rob us of Years in our Lives and the Life in our Years.
Although this was an observational study, so we can only tell that there was a clear association of the 4 healthy lifestyle factors defined and monitored in the study with incidence of the chronic diseases, so therefore we cannot say that, not based on this study at least, that there was a clear cut cause and effect. But my purpose in sharing this study, with all its limitations, was simply this, that the study adds to, highlights once again as well as reaffirms what we doctors and medical researchers, already knew through many other studies and ways that healthy lifestyle habits have tremendous power in preventing and combating chronic diseases, diabetes, heart attacks stroke s and even cancers.
Therefore, regardless of our age or current states of health, to the degree that each person is willing and able to, we should constantly strive to improve and optimise our lifestyle and eating habits, so as to prevent and combat these lifestyle-related chronic diseases. Finally and most importantly In this critical fight against lifestyle-related chronic diseases, lifestyle and diet MUST BE the CORNERSTONE of what we do for prevention and holistic management of chronic diseases. Lifestyle and Diet, and not drugs must be the main weapons we use to fight against these devastating diseases that can years from life and life from years.
Let Habits be Thy Medicine. Let’s unlock the power of healthy lifestyle and eating habits as medicine, one habit one dose at a time.
About Dr Chan, Founder & Medical Director of The Habits Pharmacy
Dr Chan is a medical doctor from Singapore who trains and coaches people to holistically review, change and improve their Lifestyle & Dietary Habits to prevent, control and combat Diabetes, Hypertension, High Cholesterol, Cardiovascular Diseases and other Lifestyle & Diet related chronic diseases. Find out more about Dr Chan, his work, 1-1 coaching programmes, workshops & courses, click on the Find out More button below.
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